6 Ways to Save Money by Making Your Cannabis Last Longer

Every time I get to the bottom of my cannabis jar, I find myself thinking, “Damn, I already smoked all of that?!” Don’t be like me—there are ways to make your cannabis purchases last longer between dispensary visits, and as long as you have some self-discipline to make minor adjustments to your consumption habits, your wallet will stay a little bit fatter.

Here are a few pointers on how to ration your green, both cash and cannabis, and still get high.

Buy in Bulk and Distribute It Evenly Across How Many Days You Want It to Last

I purchase halves (half an ounce, or 14 grams) because they come with the biggest price break. In a perfect world, I’d be able to make that last 14 days, but joke’s on me, I usually make it about eight. However, if I were smart about it, like you should be, I’d take that 14 grams, break up the nugs into 1-gram quantities, and store them in one of those S-M-T-W-T-F-S pill boxes that your great-great-grandma uses to keep track of what pills she should take and on which days.

If you want to conserve your cannabis and make it stretch, that’s what you should do. Set the standard. Be my role model.

Skip the Wake ‘n Bake

We all love a good wake ‘n bake because you get that special kind of high that rides with you throughout the whole morning, and sometimes even the whole day, but there’s still no better time to smoke than at the end of a long day when all of your responsibilities have been taken care of.

Instead of using your cannabis for the wake up/bake up, stash it away for the late night roll-up and thank yourself later.

6 Ways to Save Money by Making Your Cannabis Last Longer
Cannabis Isn’t Making You Lazy, Your Bad Habits Are

Scoop Up a One-Hitter/Chillum

I have, and will always, be an advocate for the one-hitter. I don’t know the science behind it, but a couple hits sometimes get me just as high as a few tokes off a blunt. $10 for a couple one-hitters per month to make your cannabis stretch for a few extra weeks is a very worthwhile purchase.

Browse Chillum Products

The same goes for a chillum, which is just a one-hitter that lifts weights twice a day. A one-hitter will give you a couple hits then be cashed out, but a chillum bowl will push out four or five, maybe even more if you corner the bowl just right. Either, you’ll definitely be where you need to be.

6 Ways to Save Money by Making Your Cannabis Last Longer
How to Corner Your Bowl of Cannabis

Glassware Is Your Friend

Glassware is one of your best friends when it comes to conserving cannabis. A bowl a day keeps the empty jars away, ya know? If you’re trying to save money, pick up a little pipe for $15. They’re a lot easier to clean and rejuvenate than one-hitters, and you’ll use less cannabis than you would in a joint or blunt.

Pick Up a Pipe

Speaking of which…

Smoke Fewer Joints/Blunts

The average joint/blunt will cost you about half a gram at the bare minimum. My roll-ups usually hit for at least .75 grams a pop. If I smoke 2-3 times a day, then that’s *does the math* way too much green wasted in a day. Like, yeah, I got stupid high enough to kiss Mars on the lips, but I could’ve done it in a more efficient manner.

6 Ways to Save Money by Making Your Cannabis Last Longer
What’s the Difference Between Joints, Blunts, and Spliffs?

Don’t make my mistakes. If you’re trying to make your green stretch, maybe only smoke blunts/joints on the weekend. Or only once a night. It really all depends on how often you smoke, but if you’re an everyday smoker who’s trying to be more efficient with how much you’re buying, slow down on the joints and blunts.

Cut Off the Mooches

I know sharing is caring and the whole mission of the culture is to bring people together, but you can’t let everyone be Moochie Norris out there just because they’re your homies. There’s no one worse than that friend who always pops up with empty hands and empty pockets when it’s time to smoke. Cannabis gets pricey, and if you’re trying to make it last then using less in more strategic manners is key.

6 Ways to Save Money by Making Your Cannabis Last Longer
Do You Know These Stoner Superstitions About Cannabis Rules and Etiquette?

You’ll never be using less if every time you plan on loading a personal bowl, it turns into you having to load multiple bowls or twisting up a bunch of blunts/joints because your friends keep scavenging your stash. You wouldn’t let someone just eat all of your food without ever contributing a dollar or at least a slice of pizza to the cause. Treat your bud with the same respect.

Source: Leafly

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